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KLRN Endowment Fund

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The KLRN Endowment Fund, Inc. is a separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization chartered on April 4, 1994, for the Alamo Public Telecommunications Council (dba KLRN,) to make long-range commitments to public television.

Through restricted and unrestricted grants, bequests and gifts, the Endowment Fund allows KLRN to remain a leader in educational services and quality programming while ensuring that our community members continue to have access to trustworthy and enriching content now and in the future.

The Fund’s Board of Directors has protected the Fund’s principle with a policy statement so that it remains perpetual and preserves the future of KLRN for your children, grandchildren and beyond. To ensure the Fund's growth, KLRN receives only a portion of investment earnings. The Investment Committee of The Funds’ Board of Directors manages investments, which currently totals $10 million.

Any gift to the KLRN Endowment Fund, Inc. of $100,000 or more becomes a named fund within the Endowment Fund. Donors may designate the purpose of named funds or make them available to the General Fund. Smaller gifts may be designated to these named funds to assist with growth. KLRN perpetually recognizes named funds on-air.

For information, contact Lauren Esquivel at or (210) 208-8446.

Planned Giving

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Memorial and Tribute Donations

Memorial and tribute gifts are a wonderful way to honor a loved one.

If you would like to make a contribution to the KLRN Endowment Fund in memory or in honor of a loved one, please visit our Support page and let us know in the "Comments" section who it’s for.

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Named KLRN Endowment Funds

Endowment gifts of $100,000 or more may be designated for the General Fund or Program Groups.

  • Funding for General Programming and Operations
  • Wellness, Health and Medicine Programming
  • Children’s Programming
  • News, Financial and Public Affairs Programming
  • Educational Programming
  • Arts, Drama and Cultural Programming
  • Documentaries and History Programming

Gifts under $100,000 may be designated for the General Fund or be added to an existing named fund.

Individual Named Funds within the General Fund of the KLRN Endowment Fund:

  • The Merle and Helen Converse Fund
  • The Evelyn White Thomson Affleck Fund
  • The Leo Block Fund
  • The Gorman Foundation Fund
  • The Cleo I. Johnson Fund
  • The Elizabeth B. Loch Fund
  • The Jeanne Lang Mathews Fund
  • The William and Salome Scanlan Foundation Fund
  • The Weldon Sheffield Fund
  • The Daniel J. Sullivan Family Charitable Foundation
  • The Irene Wischer Fund
  • The Maxie Groce Templeton Fund
  • The Daniel J. Donahue Fund
  • The Joanne Winik Fund
  • The Cynthia Shields Fund
  • The Stanley D. and Susan B. Casto Fund
  • The Wanda B. Mc Kenzie Fund
  • The Sue Ellen Dobie Fund

Restricted Named Funds within the KLRN Endowment Fund:

  • The Carlton F. Hartman Family Fund for News and Public Affairs Programming
  • The Bob Roth Fund for Telecommunications Equipment
  • The David B. Terk Fund for Children's Programming
  • The John Newman Fund for Documentaries and History Programming
  • The Sarah Irene Smith Fund for Arts Programming

Board of Trustees

Executive Committee

Mary Henrich, Chair
Austin Dickson, Chair-Elect
C. Martin Wender, Immediate Past Chair 
Bruce M. Mitchell, Secretary
Tommy Oliphint, Treasurer
Michelle Jacobson, At-Large
Suzanne Peterson, At-Large


Guy Bodine
Luis de la Torre
Kay Casey
Lee Derr
James D. Goudge
Joan Buzzini Hurd 
Deborah Omowale Jarmon
Dr. Adena Williams Loston


Jeffrey Anderson
Phyllis R. Browning
Bartlett Cocke, Jr.
J. Russell Davis
Bjorn Dybdahl
Jimmie Ruth Evans
David Flora
Stefan Grater, Ph.D.
Cathy Obriotti Green
Harriet Marmon Helmle
Gilbert Lang Mathews
William G. Moll
Gregg E. Muenster
Conrad J. Netting, IV
William Scanlan, Jr.
Sol Schwartz
Katharine Schlosberg, Ph.D.
Michael A. Schott
Carol Severyn
Phyllis Siegel, Ph.D.
Lisa Dreeben Sechler
The Honorable Rose Spector
Mark Watson, III
John Worthington

In Memoriam

Leo Block
Charles Cheever, Jr.
James W. Gorman, Jr.
Mary Anne Hollmig
Jeanne Lang Mathews
W.W. "Bo" McAllister
Robert Rork 
Ruth Eilene Sullivan
Irene Wischer

Assistant Treasury Ex-Officio

Patrick Lopez

KLRN Endowment Fund policy statement

The KLRN Endowment Fund, Inc., (the “Fund”) is a non-profit corporation 501(c)(3) under the laws of Texas, and is governed by its Board of Trustees, for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and operating an endowment to support KLRN TV.

An individual may establish a “named endowment” for a gift amount of $100,000 or more. The purpose of the endowment may be to support a specific area of programming, a special project, or KLRN-TV operations. The gift, its purpose and restrictions are subject to the approval of the Gift Acceptance committee of the Board of Trustees of the Fund.

The Fund has established a “general endowment” to support KLRN’s operations, including programming areas, including (but not limited to) performing arts, science, and natural history programming; production areas, including (but not limited to) community outreach, documentary, series and special projects; general operations, including (but not limited to) administration, marketing, research, development, telecommunications and broadcast; and technical equipment, including (but not limited to) acquisition, maintenance and repairs. Individuals may contribute any amount to the general endowment.

The Gift Acceptance Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Fund shall have the responsibility for approving the acceptance of all restricted gifts and all non-restricted gifts other than cash, including but not limited to real property.

The Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Fund shall select a money manager to invest the assets of the Fund and shall provide guidelines for the money managers and shall review the performance of such money manager.

The Fund shall prepare an annual report that shall be made available to the public of its endowment assets and investment performance. Accurate accounts shall be kept of the general endowment and of each named endowment.

The Board of Trustees shall establish the amount each year that the Fund may distribute or expend from the “available funds” of a named endowment or from its general endowment. “Available funds” include any amount over the original gift amount, but the original gift amount (corpus or principal) shall be held intact and cannot be invaded.

If it becomes impossible to carry out the purpose of a named endowment, the Board of Trustees, upon an 80% vote of the Trustees (and, after consultation with and agreement of the donor, if living), may change the purpose of the named endowment to another similar purpose, or may transfer the assets of the named endowment into the general endowment.

The Board of Trustees can amend this policy at its discretion at any time upon a written consent of 80% of the Trustees; provided, however, Section 7 and Section 8 of the Policy Statement may not be amended in any manner with respect to any endowments which have been made or pledged prior to the date of any changes made. The terms of this policy will not be interpreted as donor required limitations or restrictions. Any donor required limitations or restrictions must be stated in a written instrument of gift agreed to and signed by the Fund.

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Memorials & Tributes

Your contribution to the KLRN Endowment Fund, Inc., either in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special friend or occasion, is a perpetual gift that will help provide for the future of KLRN public television for generations to come. The principle remains untouched, and only a small percentage of earnings on the principle is distributed to the station.

To make a gift, contact Lauren Esquivel at or call her at (210) 208-8446. You may also call the station at (210) 270-9000 and ask for Lauren.