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The National Parks Of Texas: In Contact With Beauty

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In many ways, the story of our state’s parks tells the story of Texas itself. The history that is preserved at these parks reaches back many millions of years, to an ancient reef that’s exposed in the mountains of Guadalupe National Park and a rich mix of fossils that have been found in Big Bend.

A new 60-minute documentary, The National Parks of Texas: In Contact With Beauty, tells the story of National Park sites in Texas. The program will air on KLRN at 7 p.m. on April 26.

The history of our state’s peoples is told in the documentary, too. The chert from the Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument was mined thousands of years ago by some of the earliest Texans, and it’s been found in archeological digs as far south as Central Mexico and as far north as Montana. Rock art from other ancient peoples is found at Lake Amistad and in Big Bend.

The state’s national parks preserve a rich mix of sites from the Spanish colonial period, including the Spanish missions of San Antonio and the Camino Real that runs across Texas from Mexico. And the story of Texas continues into the 20th century, with the LBJ 100 Bike Ride at the LBJ National Historical Park.

Join us on this amazing journey to all of the parks available to you, right in your own back yard.
