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Social Emotional Resources for Parents and Teachers

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Social Emotional Resources

This year has been filled with many tough times for everyone. Teachers have had to adjust to teaching remotely or in-person with extreme caution or, for some in a hybrid model. Students have had new normals that are unlike anything we have ever experienced, and families have had to try their best to keep some structure to family life during difficult times.

During these tough times, it can feel as if our worlds have been turned upside down. Your child looks to you for guidance and comfort — so this is a great chance to show them that even in times of unease, your family is in this together no matter what.

You as a parent, teacher, or caregiver provides that comfort to the children in your life. However, you must not forget that self-care is just as important. Being kind, patient, and understanding to yourself in uncertain times helps create a calmer family environment and builds children’s sense of security. We hope these tips and resources will help your children and family through these unprecedented times.

Resources From Sesame Street

Comfort Strategies en español Maneras de Consolar a niños

During tough times and stressful situations, children may feel as if their worlds have been turned upside down. But you can create a calm, familiar environment and build children’s sense of security.

Embracing a “For-Now Normal”en español Abrazar una normalidad “por ahora”

Daily routines have changed because of steps taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Your children are likely staying home instead of going to school or daycare. You might be working from home or even facing the prospect of underemployment or unemployment. That’s a lot of change! In times of uncertainty, it can be easy (and understandable) to feel overwhelmed, but there are things you can do to ease into a “for-now normal.”

Self Care en español El Cuidado Personal

When you take time to care for yourself, you are better able to care for your child. Even a few minutes of “you time” can help you to recharge so that you can parent at your best. Stress causes wear and tear on a person, inside and out. Keep these tips in mind next time you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Sesame Street: Caring For Each Other

Our friends on Sesame Street are sharing ways families can live, breathe, laugh and play during this challenging time. Get quick facts, watch videos and download resource guides.

Feeling Worried en español Cuando los niños se sienten preocupados

When children feel worried, grown-ups can help them feel safer, calmer, and more secure.

Coping With Sickness en español Lidiar con la enfermedad

When a parent, caregiver, or other loved one becomes ill with COVID-19 and is isolated, the whole family struggles. But there are ways to comfort and reassure children, to offer clear honest explanations, and to stay connected to the person who is sick.

Empathy Guidance for Parents

Emotional Milestones and en español Los hitos emocionales

Children’s brains are wired for feelings, and grown-ups have the power to shape healthy emotional development by creating safe, loving environments.

9 Ways to Help Soothe and Comfort Your Child

Even in times of unease, your family is in this together no matter what. As a parent or caregiver, being kind, patient, and understanding to yourself in uncertain times helps create a calmer family environment and builds children’s sense of security.

Parent Guide: Empathy

The Parent Guide to "So Funny I Forgot to Laugh!" gives parents and caregivers ideas and activities for using the interactive comic. Designed specifically to build empathy, the comic will help children gain a better understanding of their feelings and the feelings of others.

How can I tell that my child is upset?

Get tips on how to detect worry and how to help.

Resilience guidance for kids

Tips for younger children

For kids in pre-K through 4th grade.

You Are Not Alone series for older kids

These videos by Kentucky Educational Television / KET explore answers to depression, anxiety, toxic stress and suicide.

The Power of Sadness in Inside Out

This video breaks down the science of sadness, using the movie Inside Out as a springboard.

Resilience Activities For Kids

Courage Cards

Help your child find ways to tap into their courage supply and make their own courage cards.

Worry Stack

As you talk about coping strategies for each worry, you'll help reduce your child's stress and confusion.

Fear No More

Empower your child by exploring ways to overcome fears.

Activities for Kids

Breathe, Think, Do Interactive Game en español Respira, piensa, actúa

Belly Breathing is the first step in “Breathe, Think, Do,” a three-step strategy for teaching problem solving, self-control, planning, and persistence (and it works for adults too)! With this interactive game, children can help a monster friend calm down and solve everyday challenges.

Breathe en español Respirar

Help adults and kids recover their sense of calm with small simple acts, such as breathing and coloring together.

Breathe Deep Coloring Sheet en español Respirar Profundamente

My Superstars Activity en español Mis súper estrellas

Make this mobile to remind you of the people who care for you at home, at school, or anywhere.

Story: Hugs All Around en español Cuento: Abrazos por todas partes

Our Circle of Care en español Nuestro círculo de cariño

There are so many people who care about you and are working hard to keep your family safe. Tape this picture up to remind you of all the people you can reach out to for care and support.

Care, Cope, Connect en español Con Valentía y Corazón

More than 20 ways to help kids feel safe and secure. Self-care tips for parents and caregivers along with 4 activity pages just for kids.

Slow it Down Interactive Activity en español Paso a paso

Becoming absorbed in a calming activity such as looking at mesmerizing images or creating a new kind of art can soothe children overwhelmed by big feelings.

Other Resources

PBS Parents offers resources for parents such as articles, activity ideas by age of children using developmental areas for children.

CDC Milestones Website for Learn the Signs. Act Early

Early Childhood Intervention

As a parent, you are the most important and consistent person in your child’s life. You might have noticed your child is doing things differently or at a different pace from other children. If you have concerns about your child’s development, use the ECI Developmental checklist (PDF) to see if your child is on target. ECI will help you get the services you need for your child. To learn more, visit your local ECI program.

Video Resource: ABC's of Back to School:A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall for Families

FitCity SA Mental and Behavioral Health Toolkit

Center on the Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning

ReadyKidSA is your one-stop resource for raising Happy Healthy Ready Kids